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Brand Key

The Brand Key is a brand analysis model developed by Unilever.

Brand Key model
Brand Key model by Unilever

1. Root Strengths

The first step of the BrandKey looks at the original product, values and benefits that make the brand so great, these aspects are the foundation on which you want to build a brand.

2. Competitive Environment

The competitive environment looks at the market in which a brand competes as well as  the relative value the brand offers in that particular market.

3. Target

Who is the brand targeting? What are these people like? What are their interests? Target market is defined by consumers attitudes and values, not  just their demographics.

4. Insight

The main elements you gather about the target market and their needs. Your insights ultimately guide your final outcome/executions.

5. Benefits

The differentiating functional, emotional and sensory benefits that motivate a purchase.

Functional benefits are based on a products attributes that provide customers with functional value.

Emotional benefits look at how a customer feels when purchasing or using a product- how does the product influence them emotionally?

Sensory benefits deal with the way in which a product appeals to consumers senses.

6. Values, Beliefs & Personality

What does the brand value? What does the brand stand for/ believe in? What kind of personality does the brand have?

7. Reasons to Believe

A brands ‘reason to believe’ is the proof that it offers to its consumers to substantiate its benefits/ brand experience.

8. Discriminator

The single most compelling and competitive reasoning for consumers to choose the brand over its competitors.

9. Essence

Refinement of the brand into a core idea or brand promise, the brand essence is the heart and soul of the brand as it guides all brand actions.