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Who we are

This website is a collaboration project by students of International Communication Management and Communicatie at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The information provided is relevant to all marketing, business, economics and communication sciences students all over the world.

Why we created Marcom Models

We’ve found that a complete overview of marketing and communication models and theories did not exist yet. Most websites either focus on marketing and business or solely on theoretical communication theories. Due to the practice-oriented nature of our study programme there was a need for a complete overview of commonly used models and communication theories. Such an overview helps students to theoretically substantiate their communication strategies and advice to clients.

How we gathered data

For this website we used a plethora of great sources, such as scientific knowledge banks, and communication and marketing books. We’ve also built upon this overview of scientific communication theories by the University of Twente. This list was published in 2003.

We fully credit and respect the copyright of these sources and collected the relevant pages for marketing and communication students at universities of applied sciences (hbo). We’ve included references to the original sources we’ve used.

The content has been reviewed by students and/or lecturers. Feel free to contact us if you would like to add content or edit an article.